Monday, July 20, 2009

Five Quick Cleaning Tips For Busy Moms

Author: Jennifer M. Knox

You know how it have every intention of getting some cleaning accomplished during the day, only to find that by the time the kids are in bed, your house is no cleaner than when you woke up! How does time get away from us?

Here ar
e five quick cleaning tips that any busy mom (or dad!) can incorporate into their day to clean their home a little bit each day.

1. Let the cleaning products do the work by pre-treating.

Instead of trying to speed up the cleaning process by quickly spraying a cleaning product and scrubbing away, spray a generous amount of cleaner onto the surface (tubs, shower walls, countertops, toilet seats) and walk away for five minutes while the cleaning product does the work. Most products work best when allowed to penetrate the stain and break down the grime and surface dirt. Take those five minutes to throw a load of laundry in the washer, change a diaper or wash some baby bottles. At the end of those five minutes, wipe the surface clean with paper towels and admire your work! You just completed two tasks in the time it takes to complete one!

2. Chunk like projects together.

As long as you have that bottle of glass cleaner and roll of paper towels in your hands, why not do all of the mirrors in the house one after the other. By not switching between cleaning products and cleaning tasks, you will actually save time because you will already have all of the necessary tools at your disposal. Switching between tasks, even in the same room, can sometimes take longer than simply completing the same task in each room in quick succession. Read More

As always: Just Put A Little Attitude In It

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